According to a news item published by the Movistar Foundation, the arrival of COVID-19 has accelerated the digitization process of companies, consolidating trends and giving clues about the future of employment. According to them, these are the ten keys that will define the work environment in the coming years:

1. The technology

Acquiring basic technological skills or enhancing digital skills is one of the keys to employment today and everything indicates that it will also be so in the future


2. Generational change, cultural change

In the new Telos 113, Pablo Rodríguez Canfranc, an economist specializing in the study of the impact of technology on society, explains that it is foreseeable that the generation of millennials will bring with them a new culture of work. It will be based on principles such as innovation and commitment to change, opposition to professional and salary immobility, love for what is done or social and environmental sensitivity.


3. A new flexible office model

Since the end of the 90s, the concept of work has radically changed and, with it, the idea of ​​the workplace. Fixed hours, stagnant tasks and fixed hierarchies have given way to flexible hours, professional and organizational. The office walls have collapsed, literally and symbolically, outlining a flexible office concept.


4. Teleworking

It is a natural consequence of this new office model. This type of work, which had already begun to appear in companies as an exception, has acquired an indisputable role in times of COVID-19. From many areas of opinion, teleworking is considered a benefit, not only for the worker and their family, but also for companies that save costs, increase productivity, reduce absenteeism and improve their ability to attract talent.


5. Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing is a trend that uses the full potential of technology to assign tasks to workers located anywhere in the world. Expanding the radius of the professional ambition of each one, beyond the local reality in which they live is another key to the future of work.


6. Continuous training

Things have never gone as fast as now. That is why it is so important not to stop learning and training. The current labor landscape, in constant evolution, needs workers who are willing to unlearn and learn continuously, updating their knowledge throughout their career.


7. Artificial Intelligence

AI is the technology that is changing our lives the most and, of course, work. Companies have been incorporating this tool for a decade, which is beginning to be used on a massive scale in sectors with an enormous specific weight such as transport, logistics and industry.


8. The digital Humanities

The company of the future will automate not only physical tasks, but also, thanks to AI and machine learning, cognitive ones. In this context, the Humanities are the ones that will make the difference between humans and machines.


9. Social skills

Language, algebra, geography, philosophy, but also creativity, flexibility, ability to solve problems, critical thinking, empathy, resilience … Companies are looking for professionals not only prepared for a certain position, but also capable of fitting in, adapting, contributing and favoring a good working environment.


10. The balance between professional and personal life

A happy worker is a successful, more productive, and even more creative worker. According to Peter Thompson, an expert on the future of work, that companies know how to guarantee a balance between the professional and personal lives of their workers will be decisive in attracting talent.

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