Adis Meridianos (Proyect leader)
Adis Meridianos is a non-profit organisation, constituted by professionals in the fields of psychology, pedagogy and social service, deeply committed to the approval of social values and the future of young people.
The mission of Meridianos is to generate opportunities for young people in the different areas of their personal development, in areas such as education, employment, protection or juvenile justice.
In their career, Meridianos has implemented numerous programmes based on the development of talent, skills and abilities, multiple intelligences and resilience, as protective factors in young people.
Meridianos is committed to quality, being the first entity in the sector, to implement and certify a system of integral management of quality and environment, according to the standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
European Center for Training (ECTE)
ECTE is a training institute certified by the Greek Ministry of Education (EOPPEP) as an educational centre for Continuing Education and as an Employment Guidance Centre.
ECTE promotes the acquisition of high quality skills and competences leading to quality employment and career opportunities, which meet the needs of an innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy.
The main areas of activity are:
- Development of curricula and training materials in line with ECVET procedures
- Development and validation of professional profiles
- Development of research and studies (training needs analysis, market studies) related to labour market needs
- Planning and development of international European projects related to local development, employment and social cohesion
University of Malaga
The University of Málaga (UMA) is one of Spain’s leading institutions of higher education (ranked 344th in the world). Since its foundation in 1972, the UMA has rapidly expanded its international presence and prestige.
Currently, UMA has two campuses, more than 35,000 students, more than 2,400 professors, 23 faculties and schools, 82 departments, 200 educational programmes (including 59 degrees, 53 masters and 34 doctorates), 200 doctoral theses per year, 278 research groups, research projects (425 national/150 European), and more than 1,8000 business contacts.
In terms of international relations, UMA has bilateral agreements with more than 550 universities around the world (Europe, Latin America, North Africa, Asia, USA/Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, etc.) with more than 1,000 exchange students per year and more than 100 exchange researchers per year.
UMA actively participates in a number of international programmes (LLP, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Erasmus+, ISEP, Fullbright, AUIP, etc), national and regional programmes (Spanish Ministry of Education, Regional Government, Talentia, ICEX, etc) and privately funded programmes (Santader, Universia, Caixa, Caja Madrid, etc), all managed by the International Affairs and Cooperation Unit (UIAC). The UMA is a member of more than 100 networks and associations.
Ministry of Health and Social Services of Extremadura
The Adolescence and Family Service attached to the Directorate General for Social Services, Children and Families of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura is responsible for implementing the measures adopted by the judicial bodies in application of the legislation on the criminal responsibility of minors.
Its basic objective is to plan, develop and execute programmes and actions that contribute to the aims of reintegration and education derived from the Organic Law 5/2000, of January 12th, on the Criminal Responsibility of Minors, its implementing regulations, approved by Royal Decree 1774/2004, of July 30th, and other current, complementary and applicable implementing regulations.
The execution in Extremadura of the judicial measures of criminal responsibility of minors, both in open environment and in the measures of deprivation of liberty, is developed through programs and resources of public ownership. The staff of the Adolescence and Family Service are: career civil servants, labour and interim staff, in accordance with the corresponding list of posts. With accredited professional qualifications and competence, appropriate to the function and tasks they perform.
The Adolescence and Family Service of the Regional Government of Extremadura promotes, plans and manages the necessary projects so that compliance with these legal measures turns out to be an effective mechanism for readjusting behaviour, exploring and developing social skills and multiple intelligences. As well as defining normalising itineraries in the life of these young people immersed in the field of juvenile justice, which avoid recidivism.
We are committed to promoting integrated and integrative theories and actions, through the revitalization of the social, educational and health network, encouraging the establishment of networks between these areas, which are essential for the development, promotion and resocialization of these young people, promoting their effective participation and social integration.
Its main area of work is child welfare and social services, specifically for women and families. It also assists parents who have problems with their children and children in their social inclusion and access to the labour market.
It has 250 employees, mainly social workers. ADSEA01 is a non-profit organisation implemented in the Ain Département. It covers a large part of France, from Lyon to Geneva.